As usual at this time of the year, we are looking for volunteers to play for the club in NW Federation league matches and to help with the many supporting activities needed during the season. A note describing the various roles that we are seeking to fill is in the Members Only Area and a form is attached for your reply. You may print and fill in the form by hand and then post it to Pat Clare or simply send an e-mail reply. It would be much appreciated if replies could be received by Tuesday, 7 March.
Replies, please, to
Pat Clare
20 The Spinney
Wirral CH64 6RX
or (Please note that this is not her regular e-mail address)
And, lastly, two reminders. The AGM is due to be held at 7.30 pm on Friday, 24 February 2017, at the Westminster Park Community Centre, Five Ashes Road, Chester CH4 7QS. Papers for the AGM are available in the Members Only Area . And there are still places for the Annual Dinner at Chester Golf Club on Saturday, 11 March 2017. For this, please contact Clive Howard at 01244 676635 or .
Thank you
John Dawson