About thirty members attended a planning meeting on the evening of Wednesday, 23 February, at Westminster Park Community Centre to discuss activities and plans for the coming season. Because of the covid epidemic, this was the first face-to-face meeting the club has held for two years and the first opportunity for newer members to meet members of the committee and to hear about some of the current topics being considered by the club. An informal and wide ranging discussion covered the various roles undertaken by committee members, the importance of volunteers in helping the club to run smoothly and efficiently, playing plans for the new season including roll-up sessions for association and golf croquet and use of the lawn booking system, the recruitment and induction of new members, potential improvement projects, and social activities. The views of all members are always very welcome and are taken into account during committee discussions and decisions during the year.
The next face-to-face meeting will be the AGM at 7.45 pm on Friday, 11 March 2022, also at the Westminster Park Community. This is a more formal event to receive the Chairman’s Report and annual accounts for the previous year, to review and agree the budget and membership subscriptions for the new season, and to elect officers and members of the committee.
Copies of the slides shown at the planning meeting and the agenda and papers for the AGM can be viewed and downloaded in the Members Only area.