Dear Members,
We have decided that the proposed Planning Meeting on the 23rd February should go ahead. Whilst the pandemic is not yet over, progress is being made to a return to “normality”, and we feel that it will be possible to hold our meeting at the WPCC in a safe manner. The hall is spacious, and we will be able to spread out chairs to ensure a good distance is maintained between attendees. Please wear a mask if you feel more comfortable doing so, and it would be helpful if you are able to take a lateral flow test (and test negative of course ! ) before attending. The meeting is set to start at 7.45pm because there is a pllates class on in the room until 7.30pm. This will give time for the class to clear and the room to air before we arrive.
I do hope many of you will join us and let us have your views on whatever you feel you would like to discuss about the club. There will be a loose agenda ( covering the topics I referred to in an earlier email ) but please feel free to raise any issue you feel is pertinent to the club. We have received a few comments already, which will be part of the discussion. If anybody else wishes to email me their thoughts before hand, or if they are not able to attend but wish to contribute, they would be very welcome.
I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.
Jayne Taylor
Mobile: 07810892311
Click here to view and download Jayne Taylor’s original e-mail dated 19 November 2021 describing the aim and scope of the Planning Meeting.