CA Special General Meeting

You should have received an email from the Croquet Association (CA) inviting you to attend (via Zoom) and vote at a Special General Meeting (SGM) on Monday 18 July at 6pm.

The purpose of the SGM is to pass two resolutions that will allow the modernisation of the CA to take place.

Specifically this is about becoming a charitable incorporated organisation to limit CA liabilities, and to align the CA with Sports England and it’s governance (and funding opportunities).

It is important that these resolutions succeed and to that end please do take the time to vote.

Voting is easy!

To cast your vote electronically

Log on to the CA website as a member at

Go to the Members’ Area

Select Surveys & Voting and click on “SGM July 2022 Voting”

Or you may instead vote on the motions at the meeting,

Or you may send for a ballot paper  from the CA Operations Manager at The Croquet Association, Old Bath Road, Cheltenham, GL53 7DF. Your vote must be returned to the CA Office no later than 8th July.

Many thanks

Robin Tasker

Chester Croquet Club and
North West CA Council Member

For more information
see the Croquet Association flier and their e-mail circular to members