2024 Club Competitions

For more information on this year’s club competitions, click on the relevant link which will be activated when announcements and communications are made:

Association Croquet

Hasting Wang short lawn competition – throughout the season
Fletton Trophy advanced 14 pt competition – Sunday, 19 May
Open short lawn end of season competition – Sunday, 29 September
Short lawn level play weekend competition – four weekends and final tba
Hibiscus short lawn competition – Monday, 16 September
Mason Cup AC full lawn 14pt handicap competition – Monday, 2 September
Croaky Trophy AC alternate shot doubles competition – tba

Golf Croquet

GC handicap RAT league – throughout the season
GC Challenge (formerly Hasting Wang) competition – throughout the season
Hermitage GC doubles competition – throughout the season
GC level play ladder competition – throughout the season
Early Bird GC doubles competition – Sunday, 12 May
GC C Level level play competition –  Saturday, 18 May
GC B Level level play competition – Saturday, 1 June
Newbies GC end of season competition – Saturday, 21 September
GC B Level and C Level level play end of season final – Sunday, 22 September
Christine Long GC handicap end of season competition – Saturday, 28 September