2024 GC handicap RAT league

Mollie McBride Rats Trophy
A novel Chinese trophy originally donated in 2010 by Mollie McBride, a former longstanding member of the Club and a keen proponent of golf croquet, as the golf croquet counterpart of the Rabbits Trophy for association croquet and awarded to the player winning the highest points in the monthly mini-leagues for golf croquet played throughout the season.
19 March 2024

Hi All Golf Croquet Players

I have the following names for entering the RAT league this season : Ed and Liz Baskerville, Gwyn and Gail Thomas, Chris Thomas, Lesley Newman, Wendy Lord, Jude Wise, Jill Foley, Paul Woods, Kerry Dadson, David Mann, Doreen Curtis, David Johnson, Rhia Taylor, Christine Fryer, Mel Hagan, Rick Davies, Paul Cronin, Janet Jackson.

This is a handicap competition (using the advantage system), played throughout the season, with participants playing each other just once in the season, and arranging their games individually at times to suit.

Have I missed anybody ? Anyone changed their minds ? Please reply direct to my e-mail at jaytay20ch@aol.com .

I will be sending out guidance notes before the end of the month, so that the league can start promptly at the beginning of the season. I will also be closing the participants list by the end of April, so that everyone has a fair opportunity to play all the other participants within the season. So please sign up as soon as possible.

Jayne Taylor

29 February 2024

To all GC players

We will be running the RAT League competition this year again, so I am calling for all GC players who wish to take part.

This is a handicap competition, to be played under the Advantage system established last year for the NW Federation league matches, with the modifications to the scoring system subsequently agreed by the Federation for continuing during this season. I will provide a guidance sheet at the beginning of the season.

It is played throughout the year, with all members of the league playing each other just once, at a time and date which is convenient for them and arranged by them. Results are recorded in a diary in the club house, and also emailed to me,  so that I can keep a monthly running score sheet which is periodically sent out to members via email.

If you wish to take part this year, please reply to me direct to jaytay20ch@aol.com, providing me with name, handicap, email address and telephone numbers (landline and mobile if appropriate).

Hopefully we can get this competition up and running for the beginning of the season, which should give 7 months through to the end of October in which to get as many of the games played as you can.

See you on the lawns very soon !

Jayne Taylor
Mobile: 07810892311