2019 Calendar

Printed copies of the 2019 calendar may be collected from the clubhouse and a downloadable copy may be found in the Members area of the website. New for this year is the following on-line version. This includes other club and social events as well as any changes in fixtures and lawn bookings that occur during the season. Changes and additions are highlighted in red.

Visitors and guests are always welcome by arrangement with the Club. Please contact the Club Secretary.

Regular weekly events

In addition to fixtures listed in the calendar, the club holds regular weekly events throughout the season from April to September for both association croquet and golf croquet. Click here for more details.


Wed 20 Annual dinner at Curzon Park Golf Club


Fri 8 AGM at Westminster Park Community Centre
Thu 21 10 am Setting out full lawns
Sat 23 10 am Setting out short lawns
pm Clubhouse spring-cleaning


Sun 7 2 – 5 pm Social Sunday and start of golf croquet RAT league
Sat 13 10 am – 3.30 pm Croquet taster day for newcomers
Sat &
NW Millennium Advanced Tournament (Bowdon)
Sun 14 NW Golf Croquet League: Crake Valley (H)
Tue 16 6 pm Croquet taster session for newcomers
Tue 23 6.30 pm  Association croquet beginners course
Wed 24 4.45 – 7.30 pm Golf croquet beginners   Lawns 1 & 2
Thu 25 NW Mid-Week League: Bury (A)
NW Level Play Golf: Chester Centurions v Chester Chariots (H) rescheduled to Thursday, 9 May
Sat 27 North Wales & Cheshire GC: Craig-y-Don (A)
Sun 28 NW Handicap League: Bury Caesars (A)
Tue 30 6.30 pm  Association croquet beginners course


Wed 1 4.45 – 7.30 pm Golf croquet beginners  Lawns 1, 2 & 3
Thu 2 NW Short Croquet League: Westmorland (H) rescheduled from Saturday, 4 May
Sat 4 NW Short Croquet League: Westmorland (H) rescheduled to Thursday, 2 May
Sun 5 NW Golf Croquet League: Fylde Falcons (A)
2 – 5 pm Social Sunday
Tue 7 6.30 pm  Association croquet beginners course
Thu 9 NW Level Play Golf: Chester Centurions v Chester Chariots (H) rescheduled from Thursday, 25 April
Sat 11 NW Millennium Short Lawn (Fylde)
Sun 12 National Croquet Day
NW Golf Croquet League: Westmorland (H)
Tue 14 6.30 pm  Association croquet beginners course
Thu 16 NW Mid-Week League: Bowdon Griffins (H)
Fri 17 North Wales & Cheshire AC Short: Llanfairfechan (A)
Tue 21 6.30 pm  Association croquet beginners course
Thu 23 NW Level Play Golf: Chester Centurions v Crake (A) rescheduled to Thursday, 20 June
NW Level Play Golf: Chester Chariots v Pendle (A) rescheduled to Thursday, 12 September
Sat 25 NW Advanced B League: Bury (H)
NW Handicap League: Southport (A) rescheduled to Saturday, 31 August
Sun 26 NW Golf Croquet League: Culcheth (A) rescheduled to Sunday, 22 September
Tue 28 6.30 pm  Association croquet beginners course


Sun 2 NW Handicap League: Pendle & Craven (A)
2 – 5 pm Social Sunday and Early Bird Doubles golf croquet competition
Tue 4 NW Level Play Golf: Chester Centurions v Southport (H) to be rescheduled
6.30 pm  Association croquet practice
Thu 6 NW Golf Croquet League: Bowdon (A)
NW Level Play Golf: Chester Chariots v Bury Sovereigns (H)
Fri 7 Longman Cup v Bowdon (H)
Sun 9 NW Short Croquet League: Bowdon Cubs (A)
Tue 11 6.30 pm  Association croquet practice
Wed 12 Mary Rose v Pendle (H) rescheduled to Monday, 8 July
Thu 13 NW Mid-Week League: Westmorland (A) rescheduled to Thursday, 8 August
Sun 16 NW Short Croquet League: Southport (A)
Tue 18 6.30 pm  Association croquet practice
Thu 20 NW Level Play Golf: Chester Centurions v Crake (A) rescheduled from Thursday, 23 May
Sat 22 NW Handicap League: Crake Valley (H) to be rescheduled
Westminster Park Summer Fayre
Sun 23 NW Advanced B League: Southport (A)
NW Golf Croquet League: Fylde Coasters (H) rescheduled to Saturday, 13 July
Tue 25 6.30 pm  Association croquet practice
Thu 27 NW Level Play Golf: Chester Centurions v Pendle (H)
Sat &
NW Festival of Croquet (Southport)


Tue 2 6.30 pm  Association croquet practice
Thu 4 NW Level Play Golf: Chester Chariots v Bury Monarchs (A)
Sat 6 2 – 5 pm Social Sunday
Sun 7 NW Golf Croquet League: Bury South (H)
Mon 8 Mary Rose v Pendle (H) rescheduled from Wednesday, 12 June
Tue 9 6.30 pm  Association croquet practice
Wed 10 NW Millennium Golf Handicap (Chester)
Secretary’s Shield v Broadwas (A)
Thu 11 Social visit to Dibleys Nursery near Ruthin
Fri 12 NW Mid-Week League: Bowdon Earls (A)
Sat 13 NW Short Croquet League: Bury Vikings (H)
NW Golf Croquet League: Fylde Coasters (H) rescheduled from Sunday, 23 June
Sat &
NW Millennium Association Handicap (Pendle)
Sun 14 NW Handicap League: Bowdon St Mary’s (H)
2 – 5 pm Social Sunday moved to Saturday, 6 July
Tue 16 6.30 pm  Association croquet practice
Wed 17 6.00 – 9.30 pm Cambridge Society of West Cheshire and North Wales (CAMSOC)
Thu 18 NW Level Play Golf: Chester Centurions v Culcheth (A)
Sat 20 North Wales & Cheshire AC Short: Craig-y-Don (A)
Sun 21 NW Handicap League: Bury Peelers (H)
Tue 23 6.30 pm  Association croquet practice
Fri 26 NW Level Play Golf: Chester Chariots v Southport (A)
Sat 27 NW Advanced B League: Crake Valley (A) rescheduled to Friday, 9 August
Sun 28 NW Golf Croquet League: Southport (A) rescheduled to Sunday, 8 September
Tue 30 6.30 pm  Association croquet practice


Sun 4 Afternoon of Croquet charity event   Lawns 1 & 2
2 – 5 pm Social Sunday moved to Sunday, 11 August
Tue 6 NW Level Play Golf: Chester Chariots v Crake Valley (H)
6.30 pm Association croquet practice
Thu 8 NW Level Play Golf: Chester Centurions v Bury Sovereigns (H)
NW Mid-Week League: Westmorland (A) rescheduled from Thursday, 13 June
Fri 9 NW Advanced B League: Crake Valley (A) rescheduled from Saturday, 27 July
Sun 11 NW Handicap League: Bowdon Firs (A)
NW Golf Croquet League: Bury North (A)
2 – 5 pm Social Sunday
Tue 13 6.30 pm  Association croquet practice
Wed 14 NW Mid-Week League: Southport (H)
Fri 16 Longman Cup v Tyneside (A) at Pendle to be rescheduled due to forecast poor weather
Sat 17 NW Short Croquet League: Bury Crusaders (A) rescheduled to Saturday, 21 September
Sat &
Visit to Carrickmines Croquet & Lawn Tennis Club
Association and golf croquet(A)
May be rescheduled to other dates, to be confirmed.
Sun 18 am and pm Mensa croquet day
Tue 20 6.30 pm  Association croquet practice
Thu 22 North Wales & Cheshire GC: Tattenhall (H)
Sat 24 NW Short Croquet League: Fylde (H)
Secretary’s Shield: Semi final v Ashby (H)
Tues 27 6.30 pm  Association croquet practice
Wed 28 NW Mid-Week League: Pendle & Craven (H)
Thu 29 NW Level Play Golf: Chester Centurions v Bury Monarchs (A)
NW Level Play Golf: Chester Chariots v Culcheth (H)
Sat 31 NW Golf Croquet League: Llanfairfechan (H)
NW Handicap League: Southport (A) rescheduled from Saturday, 25 May


Sun 1 NW Advanced B League: Pendle & Craven (H) rescheduled to Friday, 20 September
NW Handicap League: Crake Valley (A)
Sat 7 NW Short Croquet League: Bowdon Bears (H)
Sun 8 NW Handicap League: Fylde  (H)
NW Golf Croquet League: Southport (A) rescheduled from Sunday, 28 July
Thu 12 NW Level Play Golf: Chester Chariots v Pendle (A) rescheduled from Thursday, 23 May
North Wales & Cheshire GC: Llanfairfechan (H)
Fri 13 Longman Cup v Tyneside (A) at Pendle rescheduled from Friday, 16 August
Sat 14 Hibiscus Tournament rescheduled to Saturday, 28 September
Sun 15 Christine Long Golf Tournament rescheduled to Sunday, 29 September
Tue 17 North Wales & Cheshire AC Short: Tattenhall (H)
Wed 18 Visit by David Barrett with mallets for sale
Thu 19 Friendly golf croquet day with Tattenhall and Craig-y-Don at Chester, 10 am to 4 pm, four lawns
Sat 21 NW Short Croquet League: Bury Crusaders (A) rescheduled from Saturday, 17 August
Sun 22 NW Advanced B League: Bowdon (A)
NW Golf Croquet League: Culcheth (A) rescheduled from Sunday, 26 May
Wed 25 NW Advanced B League: Pendle & Craven (H) rescheduled from Sunday, 1 September
Sat 28 Hibiscus Tournament rescheduled from Saturday, 14 September
Sat or
28 or
Secretary’s Shield v St Albans (A) possibly at Nottingham
Sun 29 Christine Long Golf Tournament rescheduled from Sunday, 15 September. Due to wet weather , postponed again to Wednesday, 9 October.


Sun 6 2 – 5 pm Social Sunday
Wed 9 Christine Long Golf Tournament rescheduled from Sunday, 29 September.
Tue 22 Visit to Cheshire Recycling Centre near Winsford, 10 – 12 am


Wed 13 End of Season Supper


Thu 12 Visit to Hawarden Airport at Broughton