Association croquet improvers course
An association croquet improvers course will be run for 6 weeks alongside the beginners course on Tuesday evenings at 6.30 – 8.30 pm starting on Tuesday, 23 April. David Guyton has kindly agreed to lead the course. The course is open to anyone in the club who would like to improve their game.
After 6 weeks, the beginners and improvers courses will merge into continuation practice evenings for members to play ‘proper’ games under the eye of a coach who will be able to offer advice or to answer any questions re: shots or strategy, or particular topics such as pegging out or wiring and lifts.
Taster Day
We are running our next taster day for newcomers who would like to try their hand at croquet on Saturday, 13 April 2019.
Croquet offers sport, friendships, fun, competition and a whole lot more. It is a game of skill and strategy, angles, tactics and guile. Moreover, it doesn’t need strength and the handicap system allows people to play successfully at all levels.
Interested to find out more? Or have played before but a long time ago? Come along to our taster session to learn all about the game and be introduced to one of the most friendly clubs in the northwest based in Westminster Park.
The taster day runs from 10.00 am to 3.30 pm on Saturday, 13 April 2019. Refreshments and a light lunch are provided as is all equipment. Cost is £5.00. Places are limited, so please contact our Membership Secretary, Sally Slater, by e-mail or on 01244 677645.
“The chief difficulty Alice found at first was in managing her flamingo … ” We can help so come along and have a go!