Following the latest Government guidance on combating coronavirus, the taster day for newcomers, and the beginners and other introductory and coaching courses are cancelled until further notice. Possibilities for re-instating them later will be kept under review.
Taster Day
We will be running our next taster day for newcomers who would like to try their hand at croquet on Saturday, 18 April 2020.
Croquet offers an interesting outdoor activity in the summer months, friendships, fun, competition and a whole lot more. It is a game of skill and strategy, angles, tactics and guile. Moreover, it doesn’t need strength and the handicap system allows people to play successfully at all levels.
Interested to find out more? Or have enjoyed garden croquet? Or have played before but a long time ago? Come along to our taster session to learn all about the game and be introduced to one of the most friendly clubs in the northwest based in Westminster Park.
More details will be available nearer the time but, in the meantime, if you would like more information or to add your name to our circulation list, please contact our Beginners and New Members Secretary, Sally Slater, by e-mail or on 01244 677645.
“The chief difficulty Alice found at first was in managing her flamingo … ” We can help so come along and have a go!