We are planning to run taster and beginners sessions for newcomers to croquet in 2022 together with various coaching sessions to help members improve their play. Further details will be posted here as plans develop.
“Flying Circus” GC coaching sessions on Friday, 13 May
Morning session, Friday, 13 May
I now have the maximum number of 8 members signed up for the morning session (for 10 + handicaps) being those who have expressed interest initially and have confirmed that they can attend on the 13 May. They are : David Johnson, Arnie Banford, Ian Shaw, John Walker, Elaine Smith, Pat Wheeler, Kath Pilsbury and Sarah Clements.
If you are on the list and find you can no longer attend, please let me know asap so that I can fill the space with another eager beaver ! If you are not on the list and wish that you were, please let me know and I will put you on the reserve list,
I have a further 6 names of members who would be interested in a subsequent session if Paul Rigge can re-visit us later in the season. These include: Elma Teague, Liz Jordan, Ian Meadows, Doreen King, Liz Baskerville and Sue Kendall. Let me know if you want to be added to that list.
Afternoon session
I have 6 names for the afternoon session ( 6-10 handicaps). They are Kerry Dadson, Jill Foley, Jude Wise, Pat Clare, Roger Haigh and Giles Pepperell. As above, please let me know if you wish you were included or if you are unable to attend.
Also, I have three names for a future session which are : Edward Baskerville, Peter Fey and Brian Lussey. Let me know if you want to be added to that list.
I will let the attendees know the actual session times as soon as I get that information from Paul Rigge. In the meantime I will be away from Chester from tomorrow (Friday, 6 May) until Monday evening (9 May), but will be able to pick up emails.
All members please note that the normal roll up sessions on Friday May 11th will be disrupted.
“Flying Circus” day now arranged for Friday, 13 May
Paul Rigge has agreed to do two sessions on Friday, 13 May, for 10 and above handicaps ( in the morning) and 6-10 handicaps (in the afternoon). The groups will be of 6/8 players. At the moment more people have indicated an interest than can be accommodated, and I would be grateful if those interested could confirm that they would be able to attend on that day.
If we have an excess of numbers I will have to do a selection process, but I will also try to organise a second coaching day with Paul at a later date for the benefit of the unlucky ones !
Please let me know asap if you still wish to attend on 13 May and respond directly to me on the link below.
For those of you with handicaps below 6, you are not being forgotten. David Crawford has agreed to start doing small group sessions for you later in May. Further information later !
Thank you
“Flying Circus” coaching sessions for GC players
I am in the process of arranging for two coaching sessions from the NW Federation’s “Flying Circus” for GC players of 10 or more handicap, and players of 6-10 handicap. These will be small groups of 6-8 people, hopefully held on a Friday, in May or June, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I am awaiting a date from Paul Rigge, but in the meantime I thought I would find out who might be interested in attending.
Please let me know by sending an e-mail direct to me by clicking on the link below.
Taster Day – Sunday, 24 April 2022
Our next taster sessions for newcomers who would like to try their hand at croquet will be on Sunday, 24 April 2022.
Croquet offers an interesting outdoor activity in the summer months, friendships, fun, competition and a whole lot more. It is a game of skill and strategy, angles, tactics and guile. Moreover, it doesn’t need strength and the handicap system allows people to play successfully at all levels. Interested to find out more? Or have enjoyed garden croquet? Or have played before but a long time ago? Come along to our taster session to learn all about the game and be introduced to one of the most friendly clubs in the northwest based in Westminster Park. If you would like more information or to book a place, please contact our Publicity and New Members Secretary, Sally Slater, at springboard_sally@hotmail.com or on 01244 677645.
“The chief difficulty Alice found at first was in managing her flamingo … ” We can help so come along and have a go!