
New Croquet Association guidance and NW Federation decisions, 12 May 2020

The Croquet Association has issued new guidance to clubs and players about restarting croquet which we are incorporating in our own plans. In response to the current situation, the  NW Federation has decided to cancel this year’s Southport Festival and leagues in their current format.

Situation following Prime Minister’s statements on 10 and 11 May 2020

Following latest government statements on 10 and 11 May permitting more outdoor activity, we are developing plans and protocols for restarting some limited croquet activity and are asking the Council to renew the white lines and allow access to the clubhouse and lawns. We will report the outcome as soon as we can.

Summary last updated on 31 March 2020

The clubhouse is closed and all croquet and other sports activities in Westminster Park are now cancelled until further notice. This includes setting out the lawns and individually arranged games which had previously been regarded as acceptable.

Summary last updated on 18 March 2020

The North West Federation has agreed to the postponement of all league and Millennium tournament activities until the end of June. A separate decision will be taken about the Southport Festival on 28-29  June by the beginning of May.

Summary last updated on 17 March 2020

In response to latest Government guidance, all social events, the taster day for newcomers, and the beginners and other introductory and coaching courses are cancelled until further notice. Informal play by members in small numbers and observing Government guidance about social distancing may continue but larger regular weekly group activities are suspended.  The status of other planned fixtures is currently under review in conjunction with the North West Federation.

Everyone needs to be aware of advice and actions by the Government and other public agencies to contain and delay the spread of coronovirus and to act accordingly. Keep up to date with latest Government policy and  National Health Service guidance and Public Health England‘s advice on social distancing. In the event that you or your family or close friends show any of the symptoms, please stay at home. If this happens or you become aware of other situations which could affect the Club or its members, please inform the Secretary at the earliest opportunity.

The Croquet Association is monitoring the situation. It has issued earlier guidance on the management of tournaments and their latest statement is that all planned tournaments and coaching events are now suspended until further notice.

Following the latest Government advice on minimising non-essential contacts, avoiding social gatherings and maintaining social distancing, Chester Croquet Club together with the North West Federation and other croquet clubs is adopting policies and procedures to respond to the situation and is instituting the measures described below.

Policies and procedures

(1)  Protecting our members and mitigating the spread of the virus are key priorities for the Club.

(2)  A sub-group of the Committee comprising Jayne Taylor (Chairman), John Dawson (Secretary) and David Guyton (liaison with Cheshire West and Chester Council and with the Friends of Westminster Park representing other park users) will be responsible for monitoring advice and actions by the Government, other public agencies, the Croquet Association and the NW Federation of Croquet Clubs, for assessing local information and circumstances, and for issuing relevant guidance or taking appropriate decisions affecting the activities of the club.

(3)  All members have a primary responsibility to follow national guidance relevant to their personal circumstances as or when it is issued, eg to stay at home and minimise contacts.  If they or their family or any close friends show any of the symptoms, they should inform the Secretary at the earliest opportunity. This is particularly important given the age profile of the club.

(4)  Team captains and other event organisers should keep themselves informed about current policies and issues and any particular situations affecting their matches or tournaments and, if appropriate, consult with the sub-group of the Committee about decisions to continue or cancel planned events.

(5)  Members should inform their team captain or members of the sub-group about any situations or concerns which could affect the Club or its members.

(6)  The Club’s web site will be used as the principal means of communication about relevant policies and decisions supplemented by e-mail messages and telephone calls to members or other affected parties as appropriate.

(7)  The Secretary will maintain a log of issues and decisions as they arise.

Current status last updated on 31 March 2020

(1)  Following latest Government and Council instructions, all croquet and other sporting activities in Westminster Park are cancelled until further notice. This includes setting out the lawns and individually arranged games which had previously been regarded as acceptable.

(2)  Social events are cancelled until further notice. These include Social Sundays and the planned visit to Airbus at Broughton.

(3)  The taster day for newcomers, the various beginners and coaching courses, and internal competitions are cancelled. Possibilities for re-instating them later will be kept under review.

(5)  The clubhouse is closed until further notice.

(6)  The Committee of the North West Federation of Croquet Clubs has agreed to the postponement of all league and Millennium tournament activities until the end of June. The Committee will continue to monitor the situation and decide later whether the leagues can resume unchanged or whether some modified format is possible to allow them to be completed in the remainder of the season. A separate decision will be taken about the Southport Festival on 28-29 June by the beginning of May.