End of season supper and presentations

Last call for end of season presentation dinner

Last call for our presentation dinner at Chez Jules in Northgate Street on Tuesday, 19 November, at 6.30 pm.

Let me know if you would like to come as I need to give in numbers to the restaurant in the next few days.

If you have already signed up, please don’t tell me again!

If you have won a trophy this year and ARE coming to the dinner then please bring it with you so you can receive it again officially.

If you have won a trophy this year and ARE NOT coming to the dinner then keep it on the mantelpiece until next season.


Sally Slater
E-mail: springboard_sally@hotmail.com

Book your place for the end of season supper

We have an amazing 130 members in our croquet club – the friendliest in the North West!

This does mean though that you can’t really know everyone and won’t have played everyone this season. So come along to our end of season presentation evening and meet other members, put names to faces and plan games for next year!

It is a lovely social event to finish our season. Sit where you like and with whom you like in the pleasant upstairs at Chez Jules. Choose what you want to eat and drink, have a go at a quiz if you would like to and applaud all our winners and strivers of the season.

There are trophies for all the competitions played and also for the most improved players. This could be you!

The date is Tuesday, 19 November, at 6.30 pm. It’s not a late finish and there is parking nearby at Delamere Street car park next to the Fountains building. Evening rate after 6.00 pm is £4.

Please let me know if you can come so I can let the restaurant have numbers. You don’t need to contact me again if you have already done so.

See you there!

Sally Slater
E-mail: springboard_sally@hotmail.com

End of season supper, 19 November 2024

Although we still have a few weeks of the season to run (hopefully), I am sending out this date for your diary.

We are holding our social and presentation end of season evening at Chez Jules, Northgate Street, Chester on Tuesday, 19 November, at 6.30 pm.

For those who haven’t been before it is a very convivial evening with good food, our own bar, presentation of trophies and a quiz. A great end to the season.

Unfortunately due to numbers restrictions we cannot invite partners, but hope that you will come along and sit with friends.

In order to get an idea of numbers please let me know if you would like to come.

See you there!

Sally Slater
E-mail: springboard_sally@hotmail.com