CA legal status and new consitution

You may be aware that the CA has for some time been reviewing its legal structure. We are close to decision points and to this end the CA is offering to all members an online Zoom meeting to bring members up to date. Please feel free to join the meeting if you wish.

Robin Tasker and I (as the successive NW Federation representatives) have been heavily involved in the proposal. Our views are clear. The current CA structure is badly out of date and carries significant legal and financial risks if we do nothing. Adopting a modern legal structure is a must and incorporating charitable status at the same time offers new financial opportunities (with no downside that we can see).

Robin and I would have opted for a different legal route (CCLG – Charitable Company limited by Guarantee ) but Council voted for a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) as the preferred route. However, Robin and I consider this a sound decision and think that further debate carries major risks of “getting stuck in the status quo”.

Croquet England is a modern title which aligns with other major sports. It makes complete sense to manage the changes to the legal status and name in an integrated way.

Best wishes

John Dawson

Chester Croquet Club

See the Croquet Association flier and their e-mail circular below

CA – Members’ Forum – via Zoom

The CA Council has decided to propose:

(i) that the Chairman of the Council and the Honorary Secretary should be authorised to make an application to the Charity Commission to register Croquet England as a new Charitable Incorporated Organisation; and

(ii) that, if the application is successful, the Executive Board should be authorised to transfer all of the assets and liabilities of the CA (by stages) to Croquet England so that Croquet England CIO will eventually replace the CA completely.

This major change has been under consideration for some time. Members are about to be asked for their approval.

Members’ Forum – via Zoom

Monday 13 June 2022 at 6 p.m.

For details of the Zoom meeting link see the e-mail circular sent to all CA members or ask the club secretary, John Dawson.

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Three important documents are available for perusal via the website.

Just click on the links below.

Background to the Proposal to change the status and name of the CA

Guide to the Draft Constitution

Draft Constitution of Croquet England