Dear Members,
Every five years the CA undertakes a survey of all its members so that it can be better informed on the composition of its membership, its needs and wishes, and hence be better informed on the decisions it takes over the following five years. The email below from the CA explains this further, and contains the links to the survey on the website, and another links which will provide you with further information. I listened in to a seminar on this on Sunday morning, and hopefully will be able to give further guidance if you need any. The survey is being undertaken between the 22nd March and the 22nd April, so you can do it as soon as you like during this month. The information is treated confidentially, all answers are treated anonymously, and there is no cross referencing to individual clubs. The analysis of responses is limited to Federation level and nationwide. There is a very strong preference for the survey to be completed on line, for ease of analysis, but hard copies are available on request if you prefer to do it that way (along with a stamped envelope for return !)
The survey is also extended to other people who do not belong to the club, but play croquet on an occasional or regular basis. So if you know of other players, please feel free to share this email with them.
The majority of our members will be standard members of the CA, because that comes with the affiliation of our club to the CA. However, some will be individual members of the CA, and may also receive this email directly. That is not a mistake, it is a way of ensuring all are included.
And as a bonus there is a chance to win a £150 voucher for the CA shop!
Please do try to complete this survey. I dislike doing this sort of thing myself, but it does not seem to be too onerous, and it is really important for the CA to understand its membership to better inform its decisions.
Let me know if you have any problems with it, and I will try to help.
Thank you
Jayne Taylor
A link to the ‘2022 Survey of Croquet Players’
is in the Members only area