24 October 2017
CA Survey
May I urge you take part in a CA Survey of all croquet players in the UK? The benefits of the survey to the CA are listed at the start of the survey but the most important aspect is straightforward information on how and why croquet players play croquet. Do it over a cup of coffee ; it only takes a few minutes.
Best wishes
John Dawson
20 October 2017
CA Membership
The Croquet Association is changing its membership structure so that all playing members of croquet clubs can also become a Standard Member of the Croquet Association. For this change to be implemented, clubs need to be able to share membership information with the Croquet Association and we are inviting members to give their consent or otherwise for us to do this. Please click here for more information.
16 September 2017
Peter Bingham Award
The Peter Bingham award is a close run thing this year. Only three weeks to go!
For those new this year, it is an award in memory of a dear friend and croquet player who died suddenly two years ago. It is given to the player with the highest score over the whole season in the Tuesday morning golf croquet sessions.
Please remember to fill in all names (with surnames if there are two people with the same name), and don’t forget to put the scores in.
I will be collating the sheets at the close of the season and the award will be given out at the awards evening at Chez Jules.
13 September 2017
Hibiscus Tournament on Saturday, 23 September
There is still time to enter the Hibiscus competition on Saturday, 23 September. Entries will close immediately after completion of the Christine Long competition on Saturday, 16 September.
This is a great day’s play for all high handicap short lawn players. As it is a handicap competition then everyone stands a chance of winning.
Also there will probably be cake!
Details from Robert Jones or Elmyr Hughes
30 August 2017
End of Season Supper on Monday, 20 November 2017, at Chez Jules
Our end of season supper and presentation event will be at Chez Jules again this year. This is always a very popular event and great fun. Unfortunately we have so many members we can only accommodate members of the club on this evening.
We have booked Chez Jules on Northgate Street, Chester, at 6.30 pm on Monday, 20 November 2017. There will be a choice of menu on the night. The cost is £12.95 for 2 courses or £15.95 for 3 courses payable on the night. We do not generally know the menu in advance. There will be a notice in the clubhouse to sign for attendance. If you cannot get to the clubhouse please e-mail me but please try not to do both as it can cause double counting. We are limited to 60 people.
All the best
30 August 2017
Lawn availability Sunday, 10 September, and Sunday 17 September
Sunday, 10 September: The Level Play Golf match at home against Culcheth has been re-arranged to Sunday, 10 September. There is also an Advanced B Level league match against Southport at home on the same day so there will be no free lawns until after 5pm.
Sunday, 17 September: 1 or 2 lawns will be needed for a golf croquet continuation course for 2017 new members in the afternoon.
28 August 2017
Wine tasting and cheese supper on Saturday, 14 October
This is the last call for anybody wishing to purchase tickets at the amazing price of £10 for our planned wine tasting evening on Saturday October 14th.
Please let me know as soon as possible!
28 August 2017
Sunday Social, 3 September 2017
Our next Sunday Social is this coming Sunday, 3 September. It will be back to the usual format, but thanks to Elmyr Hughes for organising the successful ricochet event held at our last Sunday Social on 13 August. Usual time 2.00 – 5.00 pm and remember to bring along something to share.
22 August 2017
Hibiscus Tournament
To all ‘high bisquers’ :
The annual Hibiscus short lawn association croquet tournament will be played on Saturday, 23 September.
This competition is for everyone who has a short lawn handicap of 8 or more with an especially warm welcome to recent beginners. Previous winners and anyone with a handicap less than 8 will be invited to watch rather than play.
It is a short lawn competition and a really good day’s play.
Please sign up in the club house.
Enquiries to Robert Jones please
22 August 2017
Christine Long Golf Handicap Competition
The annual Christine Long golf handicap competition will be on Saturday, 16 September, starting at 10.00 am.
Members wishing to play in this tournament should enter their names and handicaps on the sheet in the clubhouse.
The competition is open to everyone with an especial welcome to new players. As it is a handicap competition anyone can win!
Enquiries to Roger Haigh please
15 August 2017
Please note that Mensa will be holding their annual croquet tournament on Sunday, 20 August. They are expecting up to 24 to attend so three full lawns will be in use all day. Lawn 4 will be available for club use.
This event brings in useful income for the club and generates much goodwill as well as many bonus points with CWAC. Please be tolerant! Volunteers to help are very welcome – there will be association croquet in the morning followed by a progressive golf croquet session in the afternoon.
Thank you
14 August 2017
Don’t forget to get your tickets for our wine tasting and cheese supper on
Saturday, 14 October
at Westminster Park Community Centre 7.30 pm
Enjoy a wine talk and taste of 6 super wines, followed by a cheese supper.
All for the amazing price of £10 per ticket.
Family and friends are allowed!
Ask for your tickets now!
9 August 2017
Bronze Level AC Coaching at Liverpool, Monday, 21 August 2017
The North West Federation of Croquet Clubs has agreed to set up some coaching at Bronze level Association Croquet (handicaps between 12 and 6 at short croquet and equivalent at full lawn, but please feel free to come along whatever your handicap). The coaching will be delivered by Paul Rigge and James Hawkins. In previous years this has been a most useful experience.
The course will be held on Monday 21st August at Liverpool Croquet Club in Sefton Park and will be an all day event (approx 10am to 3.30pm). You should bring lunch. Please note that if it is really bad weather we will postpone the event so you won’t be stuck trying to learn new stuff in the pouring rain.
9 August 2017
Lawns in use on Monday, 14 August 2017
An advance notice to all AC players who usually come along to the association croquet sessions on Monday mornings and afternoons.
On Monday, 14 August, Lawns 2 & 3 will be in use all day for a North West Federation league match against Bowdon Griffins, leaving Lawns 1 & 4 available for club play. One of these lawns will be in use in the morning for a Mason Cup match. So be aware, if you do turn up, you will have to double bank or wait a while.
9 August 2017
Sunday Social, 13 August 2017
A reminder about our Sunday Social this coming weekend, 13 August.
In addition to our usual monthly social gathering, games of ricochet croquet are kindly being organised by Elmyr Hughes.
Ricochet croquet is a game for everyone, GC and AC alike, and is a really good fun game that everyone can enjoy. Elmyr and his helpers will be around to guide you through the game.
2.00 p.m. – 5.00 p.m. Bring along something to share if you can.
Have fun!
15 July 2017
Planning ahead – dates for your diary
Firstly, we are again hosting the All-England golf croquet competition at the club on Saturday and Sunday, 5 and 6 August.
Please note all 4 lawns will be in use, so our monthly Sunday social event is moving to the following Sunday, 13 August (see below).
There are 5 Chester players amongst a field of 16, so please feel free to come along and support them. There are also two or three ladies who have worn an England shirt, so their games will be worth watching too.
Secondly, due to the golf croquet competition the monthly Sunday social event is moving to Sunday, 13 August, 2.00 – 5.00 pm as usual. Please bring something to share to eat or drink if you can.
We are going to try something different this time, and that is we are all going to play ricochet. However, it will be a fun, faster version using Australian rules.
Do not panic! Elmyr Hughes will be organising it and he has roped in some other members to help us play.The basic idea is that everyone plays three shots then leaves the lawn, thus enabling it to be a faster game. If you would like to gen up on it first, then look for Aussie croquet school rules. Knowing about it is not a prerequisite – just come along and have fun.
And finally, two dates for your diary as part of our winter social season.
On Saturday, 14 October, at Westminster Park Community Centre we will be holding a wine tasting evening. This will be led by independent wine expert Sue Lobb. Sue has taught many wine courses for the Wine and Spirit Education Trust and other bodies, and has led wine tours around Europe and California. She is passionate and knowledgeable about wine – but won’t be boring! Sue will take us through some tastings of wines we may not have tried, and will run a fun competition before we have a ploughman’s supper. The cost will be approx £10-£12. Initial invitation is for members and partners only, but depending on numbers this may be extended to friends too. Further details and tickets available later.
Monday, 20 November, is the date for our end of season supper and trophy awards evening. It will be held at Chez Jules in Northgate Street starting at 6.30 pm. More details later.
7 July 2017
Early yesterday morning Garry Greenwood was walking his dog by the croquet lawns and noticed that a hoop had been left out in one of the lawns.
And last week it was noticed that a black croquet ball was missing from one of the wheelie bins. It had evidently not been retrieved after being used in a game and it is still missing.
So halfway through the season, a timely reminder to everyone to please check carefully that all the balls and all the hoops are retrieved and safely stowed away in the wheelie bins after being used.
Our equipment officer also wants to remind everyone about the timers. They are often being left in the wheelie bins, usually with batteries still in them.
The timers (in their little plastic boxes) live in the big metal equipment store cupboard on the right as you enter the storeroom. Take them from there if you need them and when finished please remove the batteries and replace the timers (with batteries in the little box) inside the big cupboard. There is a container for them in there.
This will improve the life of the timers and batteries and will ensure they are available and work when needed.
It is important that all our expensive equipment is looked after, so that everyone who plays croquet including our national and international visitors receive as good an experience as possible.
Lecture over!
7 July 2017
Fun days at Bury Croquet Club
A reminder that Chester Croquet Club members and friends are invited to two
Croquet Fun Days at Bury Croquet Club, Whitehead Park, Ainsworth Road, Bury.
Saturday 22nd July 2017 10.30am to 5pm Association Croquet Alternate Shot Doubles. These are fun games of croquet suitable for players of AC or GC or beginners played on short lawns. The entry fee is £10 including lunch and tea, pay on the day. Enter by 16th July by phoning 0161 792 4694 or e-mail.
Tuesday 8th August 10.30am to 6pm Golf Croquet Fun Doubles suitable for beginners and experienced players on short lawns. The entry fee is £10 including lunch and tea, pay on the day. Enter by 3rd August by phoning 0161 792 4694 or e-mail.
I understand these are great days. They are played in some way as a tournament so I assume there is a winner.
All the best
2 July 2017
Clothing orders
Hopefully most of you will have spotted the new Darts catalogue on the shelf in the pavilion, fortunately a tad smaller this year !! I have had requests for some garments with club logos and would like to put in an order as soon as possible. If we submit an order for 6 items we get a reduction on the cost of the embroidery work, so I try to get orders of 6 or more each time I submit an order.
So if you need …. or just fancy …. a polo shirt (long or short sleeved), a fleece or gilet, a sweater, a waterproof jacket, etc etc, in white or indeed any other colour that they produce (you will need white for team matches, and some special events, but sometimes a colour is nice for other occasions) please have a look at the catalogue and/or get in touch with me. You can also have a look at the Darts website if you want to think about it in the comfort of your home !!
I will be at the club on Monday morning, 3 July, and from lunchtime on Tuesday, 4 July, if you need to discuss anything. It is also possible to have the logo put on to your own clothing if the material is suitable.
If you have requested anything already, and are patiently waiting, please e-mail or phone to remind me. I know that Barbara J and Paul T want items, but it is possible that others have asked me and I have not recorded the requests. Do pester me …..it is effective !!
Jayne Taylor
Mobile: 07810892311
2 July 2017
Friendly golf croquet match against Craig-y-Don on Tuesday, 11 July
So far 4 people have said they would like to play at Craig-y- Don in Llandudno on Tuesday, 11 July:
Jill Foley
Liz Sub
Sandy FM
Roger Haigh
If anyone else would like to play please let me know.
We will meet in the car park at 9am and car share to Llandudno.
Handicap cards are not needed as it is a friendly fun day. Remember to borrow a mallet from the store if you have not got your own.
Packed lunch is required but drinks and lovely cakes (if it is a repeat of last year) will be provided.
We aim to be back in Chester by 5pm.
This has been a really enjoyable relaxing fun day in the past so, if it has slipped your mind to reply, please let me know asap.
Apologies if you have mentioned it to me on the lawns and I have not made a note of it!
Best wishes
Maureen Ivens
28 June 2017
Waterlogged lawns
A NW Federation league match at home against Bowdon had to be abandoned today, Wednesday, 28 June, because the lawns were waterlogged as a result of continuous rain. As the lawns were so dry and hard after the recent spell of warm weather, the rain was not soaking in and it was impossible to hit a ball from one end of the lawn to the other. More rain is forecast this evening and tomorrow morning, so members who are planning to play tomorrow or to join the weekly golf croquet session on Thursday afternoon should take particular care to check whether the lawns are suitable for play as it is important that the turf is not damaged by mud or compaction.
Thank you
5 June 2017
Chester’s 40th anniversary celebration on
National Croquet Day, Sunday, 4 June 2017
It was a lovely afternoon yesterday to celebrate our 40th anniversary. We hope you enjoyed it.
Thank you to everyone who gave a helping hand, whether that was setting out a lawn, putting up the bunting, washing up the cups, buying the milk, etc. It all helps to make an event go well and it is much appreciated.
The Lord Mayor and Consort had a very nice afternoon, and we may have even attracted our President, Rupert Thorp, back on to the lawns next season.
£28 was donated from the raffle to Friends of Westminster Park who plant bulbs and keep the park looking smart for all of us. Alan Clare won the gymkhana with 34/40 points, and Helen and Stephen Brophy won the quiz.
A news report and photographs have been posted on the website under Latest News, so do take a look.
20 May 2017
Just a reminder to come along to our 40th Anniversary celebration on Sunday, 24 June, 2.00 – 5.00 pm.
There will be champagne AND cake! And scones. And champagne (did I mention that already?). And a friendly croquet gymkhana with a prize.
What’s not to enjoy?
Bring yourselves and your family. 2.00 pm.start. Official cake cutting at 4.00 pm by Rupert Thorpe our president. Other local dignitaries have been invited and hope to attend.
See you there
4 May 2017
Chester to celebrate its 40th anniversary
Chester Croquet Club will be 40 on June 4th, which also happens to be National Croquet Day and our monthly Sunday social event.
We will be having a special celebration in the clubhouse with afternoon tea and cake and bubbles. With fun croquet as well, of course.
Some local officials will be invited but essentially it is an event for members and their families. The details are as follows:
Date: Sunday June 4th
Time: 2.00 – 5.00 pm
Cake cutting and bubbles: 4.00 pm
Afternoon tea (scones with jam and cream) will be provided but please bring your own if you have particular dietary requirements. Prosecco and fruit juice, tea and coffee will also be served.
A croquet gymkhana will be set up in advance and played during the afternoon, with a prize for the winner.
Don’t miss it!
28 April 2017
Safeguarding Policy
An updated safeguarding policy was endorsed at the committee meeting on 27 April and relevant documents have now been posted on the website under Documents. The principal change is a requirement to record and report any allegations or incidents. If you are involved with working with children or vulnerable adults at the club, please make sure you are familiar with and conform to the Code of Good Practice.
26 April 2017
Early Bird Golf Croquet Doubles
To all golf croquet players with high handicaps (11 and above). Sunday, 21 May is the date for the Early Bird Golf Croquet Doubles competition this year. This is a short competition which is a bit of fun at the beginning of the season and involves level play games, ie without extra turns. You do not need to sign up with a partner as we will sort that out on the day.
Please sign up on the notice board in the clubhouse or let me know by e-mail.
Jayne Taylor
Telephone: 07810892311
26 April 2017
Mason Cup
Entry for the Mason Cup is now open and if you are intending to play please add your name to the sign-up form in the clubhouse or contact Robin Tasker by phone or e-mail. Entries close on Friday 5 May.
You’ve got to be in it to win it!
Robin Tasker
Telephone: 01829 751666
24 April 2017
Frost alert
There are forecasts of frost this week. If you arrive in the morning to play and there is frost on the lawns please do not play until the frost has cleared to avoid longer term damage to them.
Thank you
John Dawson
19 April 2017
Visit by David Barrett on Thursday, 20 April 2017
A reminder that David Barrett from Bury Croquet Club will be visiting the Club from 1 pm tomorrow, Thursday, 20 April. He will be bringing a selection of his mallets for sale. Members are invited to try them out and ask his advice about the right mallet for you. Orders can also be taken.
He will also provide some golf croquet coaching during the afternoon.
Pat Clare
18 April 2017
2017 Mollie McBride RAT Golf Croquet League
A list of participants, a guidance note on how the league works, and mini leagues for April and May have been circulated to members and posted on the Golf Croquet noticeboard in the clubhouse.
Those of you who are regulars know what it is all about but, for those of you who are new, it really is not as complicated as it looks. The aim is to play as many of the other members of the league as you can, just once, in the season. We start off with some mini leagues to help you pick your opponents. Just contact them and arrange a game. At the end of May I will change the leagues around. Don’t worry if you cannot play some of your games as you will be able to catch up another month. Also, if your opponents cannot play, you can pick someone who is able to play from the wider list of participants …. the mini leagues are just a guide to help you select someone to play. Later in the season we dispense with the mini leagues altogether. Once you have played please record the result in the book on the shelf under the window. Please note the date played, names of players and result. And remember to record your result on your handicap card.
There are still some spaces in the league. If anybody else wishes to join in, please let me know. And please call or e-mail me if you have any queries or problems.
Jayne Taylor
Telephone: 07810892311
18 April 2017
2017 Hasting Wang AC Short Lawn Competition
If you are interested in playing in this competition, please let me know by phone or e-mail or by adding your name to the form on the AC Short Lawn noticeboard in the clubhouse.
The competition will be played under the new North West Federation AC Short Lawn rules with full bisque allowance, rather than the previous base of 4, and with a time limit of 1.5 hours.
Best wishes
Elmyr Hughes
Telephone: 01244 821516
7 April 2017
Travellers in Westminster Park
Following my previous report about another unauthorised encampment by travellers in Westminster Park, I am pleased to say that they departed earlier this afternoon, Friday, 7 April.
This was achieved as a result of commendably prompt and efficient action by the Gypsy and Traveller Team at Cheshire West and Chester Council and the Police. The travellers were known to the Police and notice was able to be served rapidly because of previous transgressions and restrictions. Local residents and park users are very grateful for this speedy response and comments from Council staff that more permanent protective measures will be considered again in the light of this latest incursion.
David Guyton
Friends of Westminster Park
7 April 2017
Travellers in Westminster Park
I am sorry to report another unauthorised encampment by travellers in Westminster Park yesterday evening, 6 April, this time comprising three vehicles and two caravans which are parked in front of the café block. The council and police were informed straightaway and they are now dealing with the matter. As trespass is a civil rather than a criminal issue, the council are seeking court authorisation for eviction as soon as possible.
Coming only nine months after the previous incident, renewed questions are being asked by local residents and park users as to whether more permanent protective measures are appropriate such as access barriers or a permanent injunction.
David Guyton
Friends of Westminster Park
6 April 2017
More catering volunteers required
We are looking for more catering volunteers. We have 18 matches and two tournaments planned but so far only 9 volunteers. Please can you consider volunteering to help. The work is light and quite fun, and you can combine it with a game of croquet. All that is required is to arrive on a match day just before the teams break for lunch. You set the table and put out the food brought by the team members. You assist a little while they have lunch and then put the dishes in the dishwasher and set it going. People can specify no weekends, or only weekends, if that is more convenient.
If you are willing to help, please e-mail or call me.
Sarah Andrew
Telephone: 07962234857
1 April 2017
Lawns now available for play and subscriptions due for 2017 season
Despite intermittent showers the lawns were laid out as planned on Thursday, 30 March, and Saturday, 1 April, and are now available for play. Many thanks to the volunteers who assisted with this and who cleaned the clubhouse for the start of the new season.
At all times, to avoid damage to the lawns please do not play when the lawns are muddy, waterlogged or covered by frost or snow.
And please remember to sign in the attendance book in the equipment room whenever you play so that we have an accurate record of lawn usage.
The 2017 Calendar, the Checklist for Team Captains, the NW Federation 2017 League Rules and Scoresheets and Handicap cards can be downloaded from this website. An up-dated membership list is also available in the Members Only Area and printed copies of the calendar and handicap cards are available in the clubhouse.
Lastly, a reminder that subscriptions are now due for the 2017 season. If you have not already paid, please bring your subscription to the association and golf croquet sessions on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday this week or send them to Chris Slater at 10 Selkirk Road, Chester CH4 8AH.
30 March 2017
The season is very nearly here!
The lawns will be set out and the pavilion cleaned on Saturday 1 April, then we can begin playing.
Social Sunday is this Sunday 2 April at 2.00 – 5.00 p.m. Dust off your mallet, bring along some nibbles or something to drink to share, and have a catch up and a friendly game of croquet. We will provide some drinks and cake and biscuits to get the season off to a flying start.
If you can’t make it on Sunday, then the regular sessions start on Monday with association, and Tuesday morning with golf.
Fingers crossed for sunshine.
20 March 2017
Mollie McBride Golf Croquet League
The start of the season fast approaches and I would like to prepare the internal golf croquet league for an April start.
So to those of you who have played in the league before, could you please let me know as soon as possible, and preferably by e-mail, if you want to join again for this year.
To those of you who have not taken part previously please think about it seriously for this year. It is a handicap golf croquet competition in which all members of the league have a chance to play against all other members once during the season and at the end of the year the player with the highest points wins a trophy. You arrange your own games with an opponent at a time convenient to both of you, so you are not tied to a specific day or time, and the handicap system means that those less experienced players can have a close game against an opponent with a lower handicap through timely use of the extra turns they have — and can often beat them!
Thus it is good practice in the use of extra turns (which as we all know is an essential part of the handicap golf croquet game !) There is no obligation to play all the games identified but of course the more you play the better chance you have of winning the trophy. However it is really just a way of giving everybody more experience by playing other members of the club outside of the regular club roll up days.
Please let me know as soon as possible by e-mail direct to me if you want to play.
Jayne Taylor
20 March 2017
Trans-Pennine Golf Croquet Weekend
A friendly tournament for golf croquet players will be held over the weekend of 2-3 September at the lovely Ripon Croquet Club housed in the gardens of Ripon Spa Hotel (which has accommodation, facilities, catering, etc.). Alternative accommodation is also available in the area. Click here for more information and contact David Crawford if you are interested in taking part.
17 March 2017
Calling all level play golf croquet players!
The NW Federation 2017 Millennium Level Play Golf competition will be held at Bury on Sunday, 14 May.
Chester can enter two players. Jayne Taylor and I played last year and we really enjoyed the day despite the continuous rain.
If you would like to play, please let me know by Saturday, 15 April.
Pat Clare
15 March 2017
Opportunity to purchase a mallet
Some of our newer players have expressed an interest in owning their own mallet. With more new players joining this year, there will be more pressure on club mallets SO ……
We have invited David Barrett to the club on Thursday, 20 April , 1 – 5 pm.
He will bring a selection of his mallets for people to try. And play with. He will also do a bit of coaching .
Please let me know if you are interested to try a mallet, so we can let him know numbers. We can also estimate the mallet lengths he will need to bring with him.
Many thanks and not long to wait now!
Maureen Ivens
14 March 2017
New documents now available
The 2017 Calendar, the Checklist for Team Captains and the NW Federation 2017 League Rules and Scoresheets have now been posted on this website.
Printed copies of the calendar and association croquet short lawn handicap cards will be available in the clubhouse in time for the new season starting at the end of the month.
2 March 2017
Association croquet courses
Two association croquet courses are running again this year.
Dennis Holman and Sarah Andrew are running a beginners course for those new to association croquet on Tuesday evenings 6.30 – 8.30 pm from 18 April to 23 May inclusive.
Paul Watson will be running an improver’s course on the same dates and times.
For more information, click here.
Please let me know if you are interested in either of these courses.
Sally Slater
Membership Secretary
28 February 2017
Sarah Andrew’s Chairman’s Report, minutes of the AGM on Friday, 24 February, the amended Constitution, and a draft calendar for 2017 are now available in the Members Only Area.
Also a few notifications to act on or to put in your diary:
1. Subscriptions are now due. Please send a cheque, payable to Chester Croquet Club, to Chris Slater, 10 Selkirk Road, Chester CH4 8AH. It is now £60 for full membership, £35 for country and second club membership.
2. Volunteers are needed. A volunteer form was sent around in an earlier e-mail and a copy is in the Members Only Area. Please look if you can offer to help out with catering, cleaning, communications, social events or play in a team. Send your form back to Pat Clare, either by post or by e-mail at pat1985@gmail.com Many volunteers make light work.
3. Lawns will be laid out on Thursday, 30 March, and Saturday, 1 April. The pavilion is being cleaned on the afternoon of 1 April. Play can start after that.
4. The first Social Sunday will be the afternoon of Sunday 2nd April. It will be an ideal start to the season so please come along, 2.00 – 5.00 pm – bring a drink or snack to share. As it is the first one there will be a drink and cake provided.
Any questions, please ask
Sally Slater
Membership Secretary