The season has begun. You will have noticed that the lawn booking system is up and running and includes information on the roll up sessions and the various activities and events (league matches, taster sessions, beginners courses etc etc ) that might be taking place on the lawns each week. Similarly the web site is a font of all knowledge about what is happening both at the club and on the croquet scene generally. It is worth a regular visit.
I thought I would just give a gentle reminder that when you book the lawns, you should stick to 1½ hour or 3 hour slots, starting at the following times…..10am 11.30am 1pm 2.30pm 4pm and 5.30 pm…..during the day. Also please could you identify, where possible, all the players who are due to play on the lawn. If this is not possible when you book, please ensure that you identify if the lawn is going to be occupied by 2 people or 4 , and then add the names of the players later. For those of you yet to use the system please remember that you will need a ID reference and a password to enter the system. Contact myself or one of the other administrators who will set one up for you. And after playing, don’t forget enter all the names in the attendance register on the shelf in the storeroom.
As I am sure you will all appreciate, there will be times when the lawns are more heavily used than others, and in order to ensure that they are used to full capacity, it will sometimes be necessary to double bank games. This is a normal, recognised and acceptable practice, and indeed occurs regularly in the regional league matches and in tournaments. We would encourage people playing to be prepared to share their lawn to enable two games to be played at the same time if there are no other lawns available. If there is another lawn available then of course it should be used. If you book a lawn for two people to play singles, please be aware that you might get a request from other players to double bank for a game if there are no other lawns free. I am sure you will all be helpful in this respect.
We are also hoping to reintroduce a number of internal competitions that have been missing during the recent past. The first of these is the Early Bird Doubles which will be held Saturday 22nd May. This is a doubles GC competition for players with high handicaps (usually 11 or above). So perfect for beginners ! I will send round information shortly and there will be a notice in the pavilion for you to sign on if you wish to play. Watch your emails for details of other competitions during the season.
I hope you enjoy the 2022 Season.
Jayne Taylor