Thanks to the sterling efforts of our Recruitment Officer, Sally Slater, we have a significant number of new players who have joined the club in the last two weeks. They are very welcome. I am sure that all our existing members, if they see a new face at the club, will say hello, introduce themselves and make them feel at home. They are very keen to learn, and willing to take advice.
The Tuesday morning golf croquet session will be a good opportunity for the new members to meet existing players, and to practice the skills they have been taught on Beginners Day. From Tuesday, 18 May, therefore, the session on Tuesday morning will return to the “Progressive Doubles” that were so popular prior to the Covid restrictions. We will still have to record the players attending, as in addition to forming our register of attendance the information provides our necessary means of track and trace, at least for the time being. Sally will be taking charge on Tuesday 18th, as I will no longer be able to attend on that day.
Whilst the booking system remains in place, could I please remind you all to make sure that your name is recorded on the booking pages if you play at any time, for the reasons given above. Also please note that when booking a lawn it is preferable that you book in 1½ or 3 hour slots, i.e 10 am, 11.30 am 1 pm 2.30 pm 4 pm etc etc. This enables a more efficient use of lawn time. I suspect that there will be an increased demand for lawn use in the coming weeks, and therefore we will need to be efficient!
With so many new members joining the club, it is also important that our stock of mallets in the club house remains available. Hence we have ceased the loan of mallets which should now be returned to the store room after use, appropriately wiped down, and not taken away from the club.
Many thanks
Jayne Taylor