Please note short lawns have so far been set out only on Lawn 1, ie Lawns 1A and 1B.
When making lawn bookings, please keep to 1½ hour time slots starting at 10.00 am, 11.30 am. 1.00 pm, 2.30 pm, 4.00 pm, 5.30 pm and 7.00 pm in order avoid overlapping two 1½ hour time slots or inadvertently creating shorter time slots of just ½ hour or 1 hour for other players. A 1½ hour time slot covers three rows on the lawn booking chart.
And remember to record the type of game being booked, ie Association Croquet (green), Golf Croquet (yellow) or Short Croquet (turquoise).
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Here are some earlier comments and practical tips arising from the first few days of play:
- Full lawns 1 to 4 and short lawns 1A and 1B have been set out and are available for play.
- A bottle of hand sanitiser is on the shelf on the left inside the storeroom door. Detergents and disinfectants are on the bottom shelf of the cupboard on the right hand side.
- To help with cleaning items after use, a 10 litre water container has been placed in the storeroom. It is easy to clean the balls by washing them in the bucket provided with a little water and some detergent. Rags are provided to wipe the balls, hoops and wheelie bins. Used sparingly the water should last for a few days. If the container is empty or nearly empty, please take it home, fill it up and bring it back.
- It is possible to open and close the storeroom door using one’s own long shank lock key and Allen key without needing to touch the door handle.
- The good news is that the Covid-19 virus survives only a few minutes outdoors exposed to sunshine and UV light. So relax and enjoy the sunshine.
Let us know if you have any further tips or experience which will help us to enjoy croquet in the new situation without access to the main clubhouse.