Croquet restarting!

I am delighted to report that we now have approval to restart some limited games of croquet during the latest phase of the Covid-19 lockdown. It is vitally important for the health and safety of ourselves and the community generally that we all abide by Government guidelines and the requirements of our local Council. To do this, we have drawn up a set of conditions incorporating national guidance from the Croquet Association.

Two of the requirements of our local Council are that the clubhouse and access to toilet and handwashing facilities remain closed and that the lawns are not available for play on Mondays. In order to minimise unplanned gatherings of people, overlapping attendance and speculative journeys, we are also having to introduce a lawn booking system. The measures are described more fully in the following notes and there are links to the new lawn booking system in the Members only area and under the Quick Links menu on our website. I urge you all to read the notes carefully and to adhere to them when we start playing again. All team games, matches and competitions remain cancelled until further notice.

I appreciate that the new restrictions and lawn booking system result in loss of facilities in the clubhouse and the flexibilities in arranging games and group activities we have all enjoyed in the past but they are necessary to enable us to enjoy safely some limited forms of croquet during the next phase of the coronavirus epidemic. I hope you all manage to enjoy some games during the remainder of the season.

I look forward to seeing you on the lawns again soon – at a distance, of course!

Jayne Taylor


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Arrangements for restarting croquet

Lawn booking system