Sarah Andrew and John Dawson attended the NW Fed meeting on 18th November.
There was lots of information sharing about current activities in the NW Fed and the CA but the key local outcomes were:
1) Organisation; Paul Rigge and Liz Wilson are the new Chairman and Treasurer
2) Leagues generally went well in 2017; most cancellations / rearrangements related to the weather. Format the same for 2018; 3 procedural improvements, namely
2a) team captains/ managers need to be familiar with the league rules especially on postponements. A summary will be produced
2b) Ivan (league manager) will try to schedule most / all league fixtures before end of August thus facilitating rearrangements in the event of bad weather
2c) Ivan needs the full individual score sheets in all level play matches as the data goes into national rankings
3) For all leagues home teams will no longer provide food as the norm (ie BYO) but teams will sit and eat together. Any club wishing to continue to provide food can do so if they wish
4) There was no support for universal wearing of team colours – this remains an individual team choice under the existing CA Tournament regulations
5) Chester will host the Millennium short lawn event on Sat 12th May. National croquet day is Sun 13 th May
6) Chester collected the mid week AC trophy